Girl Talk:

Truth Every Woman Wants To Know

KENYA M. RANSEY. ED. S. (author)

Girl Talk discloses the truth every woman needs to hear, and has the right to know about her worth and value. Based on the central theme of Kenya's message, "It all begins within", Girl Talk looks closely at the connections between a healthy intrapersonal relationship and the other relationships in our life


This book specifically addresses single women, the message is relevant to all. No matter what you desire for your time, your money, or in the areas of love and romance, this book helps women know and understand that right now, in this moment - you matter, you have value, you are enough; and you can obtain more of the life you want.


Amazon Customer

I am a 30 year old single woman & ive always has my fears of marriage. After reading Girl Talk; I truly am making the choice everyday to be okay & chose the Power of Being Alone, “okay either way” and being gentle with myself. Just a little tidbit of what I took from this beautiful book. Read right through the it-i didn’t want to put it down. It spoke to me & was a gentle reminder for my everyday life. A MUST READ LADIES. Married and Unmarried


Amazon Customer

I am a 30 year old single woman & ive always has my fears of marriage. After reading Girl Talk; I truly am making the choice everyday to be okay & chose the Power of Being Alone, “okay either way” and being gentle with myself. Just a little tidbit of what I took from this beautiful book. Read right through the it-i didn’t want to put it down. It spoke to me & was a gentle reminder for my everyday life. A MUST READ LADIES. Married and Unmarried


Kenya M Ransey

is a certified educator, licensed coach, published author, and speaker who specializes in personal growth and development.




Paper textured, Full Color, 75 pages

ISBN: 978-1641841207

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